Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I cannot believe it is Nov. 1st already!  Life sure has a way of getting away from you when your too busy to pay attention....  I hope I can get back to blogging and doing my minis,  I have really missed them quite a bit.  Since I returned from vacation (2 -1/2 months ago) I have been facing some health issues that I am trying to get resolved and then my dear husband has been on me about getting a new computer (the other one worked perfectly fine).  So I called his friend who builds computers and told him what I need & what I plan on using it for & he works up a price, we agree and he builds this computer.  Now, we go to pick up the new computer & he has build me this MONSTER computer that is probably more suited for gaming (which my husband LOVES to do).  This thing has more power, memory, and video capability than I could ever dream of using, and my poor husband is so jealous now because it is better than his.  (Which I suspect was his friends goal all along!)  So I am kind of frustrated with this new computer because it wasn't really build for me yet I paid for it.  I have not even hooked up my printer or scanner yet.  All of my photos & Itunes & old files are all on this external hard drive which i cannot even find the cord for & I have not had access to any of it for about 3 weeks now!  Sigh, so now I have this ginormous machine that I can get online with and play spider solitaire.....  VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!
OK, I'm done whining now.  I just had to vent. 

The other main this that takes up my free time is doing coupons.  I started doing this in mid June of this year and I have to say, it is not a bad hobby.  I originally got into it to save money because the NAME national convention is coming to my state next year & I wanted to save some money up for just the convention so I can do some guild free shopping while I am there.  So far it is a win/win, I am steadily saving money for my trip & getting my groceries & household stuff for really good prices.

I have been working on a few minis here and there, and this weekend starting to make some parchment scrolls and little stacks of parchment paper tied up with string to use on my witch's hutch.  I am playing around with roughing up the edges so they look worn and like well read parchments, but that is a work in progress.  I read somewhere (forgive me I forget where) that using incense to burn the edges works well, and I did have some good results with that.  Hopefully soon I can get some photos posted if I can find my camera cord to hook up to the monster. 

I guess that is is for now,

Take care,

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