It has been a looooong time since I have been able to post. My lovely 13 year old daughter brought a nasty virus onto our computer & we have not been able to fix it. So, I have not been able to do anything on my blog in over 3 months... it is killing me! My neighbor actually got a new computer last week, and kindly let us use their old one until we can figure ours out, so I thought I would try to update my blog while I get a chance. Wow it is hard to think back that far to remember what I have done since then. We had our Mini Christmas party through the mini club I belong to. I have learned how to make those cute little mushrooms that they had in the AIM magazine (either Oct. or Nov.) So I have been having fun with those. Also, someone in our club has old mini magazines from the last 15 years they have been bring them to the meetings to get rid of, so I have been scouring those for tutorials and ideas. I have also learned how to make some mini candles which turned out better than I thought they would. I will have to post some photos later when I can find my USB cord for my camera.
My daughter and I are getting ready to attend out local State Day event which I am really excited about. For those that aren't familiar with State Day, it is a miniature workshop event that is held within your state (North Carolina), and you all get together and work on the same project for the day. This year our theme is "My Little Corner of the World" below is a photo of what the finished project should look like:

You get the option of ordering a case to put your project in, and of course you can change the colors or the flooring etc..., but you all start out with the same basic structure. It is a lot of fun because they have tote bag favors that people make for you to use in your scene if you want to. They also will have drawings throughout the day and you all just hang out & work on your project together. I love to see how creative others can be. One of the ladies in my mini club is setting up a table there to sell her items she makes and she has invited me to sell at her table if I wanted to. It is exciting to think that I might be able to actually sell something that I make! I am really not that good and haven't had much practice, but it is fun for me to at least try. The really bad thing is that I have NO idea how much to charge for my creations.... I have always done my crafts just for me as a creative outlet, It is hard to put a value on it! Oh well, I am just interested to see if I can sell anything!
Well, I've got go for now. Hopefully I will be able to post soon & with photos.