I really meant to get this posted last week, but as usual, life likes to interfere with my plans. However, this time it was a good thing. Let me give you a little background info...I have always loved photography as one of my hobbies. When I was in college I worked at a camera store and ended up getting a decent SLR camera along with buying several lenses and accessories to do whatever I was inclined to do. One of which was a macro lens to do well... macro photography. I have gotten some really neat shots with that lens. I was a loyal film camera user for years, but as time went on it got to the point where I could not pretend a digital camera would not be more effective for general family events. So I got a small, point & shoot camera, packed up all my film camera gear and moved on. About 3 years ago, I discovered that the new digital SLR cameras would still accommodate my old lenses, so all i needed to buy was the camera body-but it was very expensive. So I just put it to the back of my mind and let it be. Well, fast forward 3 years and last week I got the opportunity to get a used version of the camera body I had been wanting. My boss was going to upgrade his camera & needed to get rid of his current one, so I was more than happy to help him out!! :) So I have been playing with settings, I built a small little box to shoot mini's in, and have really just been having a lot of fun with my new toy. Hopefully, my photos of my minis' will improve, we will just have to see. :)
I finally got a change to buy a few things, so I thought I would share. My first stop was at
Dfly Creations Etsy shop
Here. I always love looking through her shop and decided I had to have one of the dragon scrolls. It is so tiny...I love it!!
While looking through her shop, I also decided to get a wand, because, well, every witch needs a wand. Other wise what is the point.. :)

My next stop was over at PD Hartmans Etsy store
Here. He has got some hand blown glass, so I thought that a few more pieces wouldn't hurt. Below are 3 little bottles. I have no idea what I will use them for, but I got them anyway.

Of course, I HAD to get the canisters.. who couldn't use glass canisters?

Since I was taking photos with my new toy, I thought I would show you guys some other glass that I have been collecting over the past year. I have become obsessed with miniature glass! I cannot seem to stop buying it.

I'm not sure if you remember, but a while back we had a member of our mini club pass away and her family donated all of her miniatures to the club. We then took up a collection to donate to NAME, and had an auction of sorts to divide up her things to the members of the club. Below is one of my favorite things that I got that day, it is really amazing! I love the detail... I have to shoot it in the plastic box because it is hanging. So the first photo is to give you an idea of size & the second is the detail of the hummingbird.

I have been doing a lot of searching online to find mini things to put in my witch's hutch, so I am slowly but surely collecting those things. I have almost decided to put the hutch in a dome by itself instead of in a scene. But nothing is written in stone. Other than that I am getting ready to start learning how to make potions and get to use some of my glass items I have been saving up. Now that I have a little bit of free mini time, I can start learning some of the things that I have wanted to do.
Take care!