Well, as seems to be the trend with me, it has been a long time since my last post. I had given up blogging for a while because after our trip to Universal Studios I had lost my camera battery charger, and there for could not post any photos, so I found that to be quite boring! It is so much better to talk about things with pictures, especially with miniatures. Besides real life, I have been busy with our miniature club getting ready for the National Convention in Charlotte NC this year. This one is actually close enough for me to go, so I don't want to miss out! We are making 500 tote bag favors to donate to the convention - but out item is actually a pair, so we really have to make 1000. It has been a learning process, but I think we are beginning to see the end of this endeavor soon ( I hope) and we can move on to other things. We have also committed to hosting the 2013 NC State Day event, so we have been deep into the planning of that as well. Hopefully soon I will have a blog for our club up and running, then I can post a link if anyone is interested.
On my own personal mini front, I have been slowly but surely working on my Wesley clock project, and it is coming together nicely. You can go back in my posts to see what the clock project looks like( I cannot find the photos on my new computer), but my plans are to do a scene of where I imagine Molly would do her knitting and such. I have imagined most of how it will be and have now over come 2 of my major obstacles with this project. My First one was getting a background for the "clock" portion of the clock project. I found someone online who had made one for her friend and she kindly sent me a copy of her file to use in my project. I wanted the background to be exactly like it was in the movies, so it looks like Molly's clock - which I now have. The second major obstacle was to find a miniature knitted sweater that she sent to Ron during their 1st Christmas at Hogwarts. I want the scene to be as if she is working on her gifts to send at Christmas. Well, I have a very dear friend who is deeply & actively involved in the crochet community (she actually created the CLF or
Crochet Liberation Front - if you enjoy crochet, then you should check it out) and I have been talking to her for about a year about finding someone who does mini crochet who would be interested in doing a commission for these pieces. She recently ran across just the right person and got us together. I am happy to say that I now have these pieces and the project can move forward. The photos below show what she has sent me. The light is not that great, but you can see them clearly.
This sweater is so small, but it does fit on my thumb! |
Here is one of the scarves, I love how it is in progress....
This is the completed scarf. Classic HP scarf.
All three together! |
Then she threw in the basket and a Molly hat just for fun! They are adorable! |
This is inside the basket.... so much variety. |
As you can see, they came out wonderfully and I could not be more pleased. I loved working with her planning how these items would be. She is also a fan, so it was important to her to make sure it was right. Which I appreciate so much! If anyone would like her info I would be glad to pass it along. She does a wide variety of crochet items, and would be willing to try almost anything new.
Now that I can get my pictures on my computer again, hopefully I will be posting more often. Thanks for reading & Take Care!