Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Do you have your exit Buddy?"

First and foremost I wanted to welcome my new follower Debbie. She has several blogs but I will give the link to her first one. This one is fun to read. Go check it out!

Thank you Debbie for joining!

Bunka Rugs

I guess it took me a while longer than the weekend to get these done. I did get the photos taken on Saturday, but then I got terribly sick & today is the first day I have felt like even getting on the computer. I realize now that the photos aren't that great, but you can get the idea. This is my bunka rug of one of my (many) favorite Disney characters "Squirt". The first photo is blurry, but the colors are accurate, the second photo, the colors are horrible, but it is more in focus. This was just one of those pictures that I could not get right no matter how I tried. So I gave up & posted 2.

Below is the bunka rug my daughter made of one of her favorite characters. (we are Disney freaks in our house) In all fairness her colors are not quite right because when I ordered the bunka, I did not know she wanted colors for stitch, so she just worked with what we had on hand. but over all, it turned out pretty good.

This is my little kit I found of a dollhouse for a dollhouse. It is all put together and painted, but I still have some landscaping to do. I had forgotten how fun these little kits were to do. I used to have several of them but the cat ate them, & I gave up which is probably why I found this one at the bottom of a box of mini stuff that had been in storage for years.

That is all I have really done with minis recently. Time just seems to slip by at an amazing speed at the moment. I have also received all 3 of my Etsy purchases for the gift exchange at our mini club, but I cannot post those yet. Our party will be on the 15 of this month, so some time after then I will get them posted along with what we received! Ohh I just love giving gifts!
I cannot wait to see if they love their gifts!
Well, I have to get ready for bed now, have a great night~

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time flies....

Wow! It has been over a month since I have been able to get on here. Whew, this is a crazy time of year for me! My computer died & had to go through the process of getting it all back in order. It was in the shop for over a week, which just about killed me. Then getting everything reconfigured to how I wanted it to be... well, took a while. Work, Kids, School, & Scouts pretty much took up the rest of my time.
I know this is a bit after the fact, but I do hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was rather unconventional, but wonderful none the less. My husband took both children to see his family for 2 days, so I got to be in my own home ALL BY MYSELF! it was heaven. I can't remember the last time I was actually alone with no interruptions. Probably before the kids were born.
I got some time to work on minis so I did finish another bunka rug & started a 1:144 scale dollhouse kit. I did quite a bit of sorting & organizing (which is when I found the dollhouse for a dollhouse kit). I have yet to touch the garage again.. I am not in the mood to do the garage, but maybe over Christmas....Hopefully, I will get a chance to post some photo's this weekend of the rug & almost done house.

I am also very proud to say that I made my first ever Etsy purchases! I must say that I am NOT an internet shopper... I am more of an instant gratification type of person. I do not do well with waiting for things to arrive when the postman decides it is time for it to come! However I do have to say that it was much easier than I thought it would be & the people were just wonderful! I will post some photos & their info once I receive it & take some photos' but it will have to be after our Miniature clubs Christmas party. They do a gift exchange, so I had to get a gift from me, & then one from each of the kids. They had a lot of fun looking through Etsy trying to find the "perfect" thing. I found some new ones to bookmark as well. :)