So, I will be busy planning for this trip for my family & I, which will not leave me much time to blog. During the con, they will be holding a charity auction of fan art & fan crafted items to raise money for the HPA (Harry Potter Alliance) & Book-Aid International, so I am trying to come with some ideas of things to donate. I have an idea for some mosaic tiled mirrors, I just have to see if I can find the right colored tile. I could also make some cute little potion necklaces which wont raise much, but every little bit helps! Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome of more stuff I could make in my spare time.
I will take photos of what I'm doing, but I'm not sure when I will get to post them. I might start a temporary blog just about Leakycon so I can ramble on about it just not on here....
Oh, last thing, I was thinking that since I will be going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, if there are any of my followers out there that would like to get a postcard with the Hogwarts stamp & postmark on it I would LOVE to send you one. Kat the Hat Lady, I know you are a big fan, & Debbie, I know you are too. Cate, I know your doing The Burrow right now (the pipes are brilliant by the way) (I haven't had time to comment), so I am guessing you are as well, and Janice, Doing the Leaky Cauldron right now... well enough said! :) If I missed anyone, I am sorry, But I am putting this invitation out to anyone who follows my blog, I just need you to send me an address where you want it sent, your favorite character, your favorite house, and your all time favorite scene. I am not sure what the choices will be for postcards, but with that info, I should be able to find something you would like! I have added my email address to my profile.
Thanks for reading,
Take care!